Creating a wearable device to continuously measure the proteins and hormones circulating in our body.

This is the aim of Xsensio – a Swiss startup developing the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform – which will enable in the future to continuously monitor compounds present in the interstitial fluid, right underneath our skin.

It is in essence a similar concept as the established continuous glucose measurement devices, which are nowadays moving from pure medical applications to consumer-oriented wellness programs (see what companies like Veri and Supersapiens are doing at the moment).

The difference lies in the type of biomarkers that the platform will enable to monitor – proteins and hormones on-body, continuously and in real-time – opening applications ranging from cardiology to oncology, in the hospital setting or at home.

In the latest episode from Esmeralda Megally (CEO of the company) shares with us her vision around personalized medicine and which role the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform will play in this regard. With passion, she explains us the concepts behind the functioning of this surprising technology, what it takes to bring it to the market, and reveals the potential synergies that it may have in the future with the current wearables that are already part of our daily living!

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